• Life and Business Mentor

    … and one day there’s that “quiet voice” inside you that asks you: “Hey, that’s all there is to it for me?”… well the answer is, no, no, that’s all you have done with your life so far.


    My path to becoming a “alternative practitioner for psychotherapy” began several years before I even thought about this training.

  • Keynote Speaker

    Your next company event is coming upend you need a really “awakening but above all motivating keynote speech”?!?


    After over thirty years of professional experience as an engineer, experienced manager and now also as a therapist and mentor, I find it great to pass on my knowledge to students through lectures at universities.


    "Tell me, do you actually live a conscious, self-determined life?!?" 
    As part of my work as a life changing coach, this is one of the initial questions.

"Finally living a truly conscious and self-determined life"

Well, what's this nonsense? What are you waiting for? 

You finally want:

  • Your “great life full of joy and health”?
  • Your own “dream company”?!? 
  • Your great successful team”?

You don't know how?

So, I made it for myself .. and now I’m living my dream … and you can too. Do you want to know how?!? Then book your appointment now!

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