General Terms & Conditions (Ts&Cs)

1. Scope and Applicable Law 
1.1 Scope 
1.2 Applicable law and consumer protection rules 
2. Conclusion of the contract, payment modalities, duration of the contracts and vouchers 
2.1 Object of agreement 
2.2 Prices, payment terms and due dates 
2.3 Conclusion of the contract 
2.4 Contract Term and Termination 
3. Details of the range of services and cancellation policy 
3.1 Duration of a counselling session and location of coaching or mentoring 
3.2 Scope of services and unused services 
3.3 Right of withdrawal for consumers 
3.4 Right of withdrawal in the B2B sector (entrepreneurs) 
4. Rights and obligations of the customer 
4.1 Access to coaching / mentoring 
4.2 Right of use to the digital content or the documents from the coaching / mentoring 
4.3 Collection, storage and processing of your personal data 
4.4 Own provision of suitable IT infrastructure and software 
4.5 General information on coaching/mentoring/events through us 
4.6 Live Events 
4.7 Know-how protection and confidentiality 
5. Confidentiality and liability regulations 
5.1 Confidentiality of both parties 
5.2 Liability for content 
5.3 Limitation 
5.4 Force majeure 
6. Final provisions and place of jurisdiction 
6.1 Modification of these Terms and 6.2 Conditions 
Final provisions 
Appendix 1: Consumer Information and Cancellation Policy 
Appendix 2: Sample revocation template 

1 Scope and Applicable Law

1.1 Scope

  1. The following general terms and conditions apply to all legal transactions vis-à-vis consumers and companies with

Thomas P. Kusch

Simrockallee 2
53173 Bonn

hereinafter referred to as “we or us”. The legal transactions can be concluded in person, by post, by messenger, by e-mail, in the initial meeting or via the website.

  1. The language available for the conclusion of the contract is exclusively German. Translations into other languages are for your information only. The German text takes precedence in the event of any differences in language usage.
  2. These Terms and Conditions apply exclusively. We do not recognise any terms and conditions that conflict with or deviate from these Terms and Conditions that you use, unless we have expressly agreed to their validity in writing or in text form.

1.2 Applicable law and consumer protection rules

  1. The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply to the exclusion of international private law and the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods applicable to German law if:
  • you order as an entrepreneur
  • you have your habitual residence in Germany or
  • You are habitually resident in a country that is not a member of the European Union.
  1. In the event that you are a consumer within the meaning of Section 13 of the German Civil Code (BGB) and you have your habitual residence in a member state of the European Union, the applicability of German law also applies, whereby mandatory provisions of the country in which you have your habitual residence remain unaffected.
  2. A consumer within the meaning of the following regulations is any natural person who enters into a legal transaction for purposes that can predominantly be attributed neither to his commercial nor to his self-employed professional activity. An entrepreneur is any natural or legal person or a partnership with legal capacity that acts in the exercise of its independent professional or commercial activity when concluding a legal transaction.
  3. The version of these Terms and Conditions valid at the time of the order shall apply.
  4. Prices at the time of booking apply.
  5. If certain discount or promotional offers are advertised, they are limited in time or quantity. There is no entitlement to it.

2. Conclusion of the contract, payment modalities, duration of the contracts and vouchers

2.1 Object of agreement

  1. The subject of the contract may be the following services (although the list is not exhaustive):
  • Training
  • Coaching
  • Group Coaching
  • Mentoring
  • Online Programs
  • Online Events / Live Events (hereinafter referred to as the Event)
  • Membership
  • Mastermind
  1. All offers on the Internet are non-binding and do not constitute a legally binding offer to conclude a contract.

2.2 Prices, payment terms and due dates

  1. Our prices are net prices (plus VAT, indicated for Germany), unless explicitly stated otherwise.
  2. An invoice will always be sent to you by e-mail in the form of a PDF document. The invoice amount is due immediately upon receipt of the invoice and must be paid to us within 14 days.
  3. Access to the respective offers is made dependent on prior receipt of payment. Once we have received your payment, you will be entitled to our corresponding consideration from that point on.
  4. An activation to our member area will only take place when the amount has been credited to our account. As a rule, you will then immediately receive your access data to the member area and the link to generate your access data to the member area.
  5. In some cases, we also offer payment in installments. The total amount may be increased compared to a full payment. We will inform you of this amount in advance. Early termination of an instalment payment agreement is possible by way of early repayment. You have the right to pay the full sum (but then the possibly increased instalment payment amount) in part or in full at any time before the end of the agreed time.
  6. Interest at the agreed rate is incurred for late payments both in the purchase and in the case of instalment purchase (the instalment payment amount is usually higher than in the case of a one-off payment) as well as costs for appropriate reminders. If the internal dunning process is unsuccessful, we can hand over the outstanding claim to a lawyer for collection. In this case, you will incur costs for the use of legal representation.
  7. If we have agreed to pay in instalments and you do not pay after a reminder in text form and setting a grace period, we are entitled to end the instalment payment prematurely and the entire outstanding amount is then due immediately.
  8. You are not entitled to assert or offset a right of retention against payment claims from us; unless they are undisputed or titled counterclaims.
  9. If you are in default of payment or otherwise in default, we are entitled to refuse performance or delivery until all due payments have been made. We are also entitled to withhold, interrupt, delay or completely discontinue services without being obliged to compensate for any damage that may arise. These rights are without prejudice to any other contractual or statutory rights and claims of ours.

2.3 Conclusion of the contract

For bookings made verbally, by telephone, in writing, by e-mail, SMS, WhatsApp, a messenger service, via our contact form or directly via our appointment booking tool, the following applies:

  1. We present our offer to you on websites or on our social media channels in the form of postings. This is our offer to conclude a contract. We have linked our terms and conditions for you there.
  2. You can accept our offer by sending us a message/email and agreeing to the corresponding offer.
  3. You also have the option of booking a phone call with us via an appointment calendar.
  4. If you click there, a page will open where possible dates will be displayed. In addition, there is a questionnaire that you fill out. You can either write directly in the questionnaire or send us an e-mail with the information.
  5. Of course, this information will only be used for the preparation of our Zoom meeting or telephone conversation. If no contract is concluded with you, we will delete this data immediately.
  6. You can find our privacy policy here: 
  7. In this initial meeting, we clarify whether our offer is suitable for you and your request.
  8. Offer: By booking/ordering, you offer us the conclusion of a binding contract.
  9. Acceptance: The contract between us is concluded upon receipt of our confirmation e-mail by you.
  10. (10)Payment options include bank transfer or standing order. You will receive an invoice from us by e-mail. The entire invoice amount is due within 14 days if the order is placed. Once your payment has been received, you will be entitled to our corresponding consideration.

a. Bank transfer: We will send you the invoice as a PDF file by e-mail. You then
     transfer the specified amount to the specified account.

b. Standing order: You set up a standing order for our benefit.

2.4 Contract Term and Termination

  1. The respective term is indicated in the products. As a rule, the contract ends automatically by performance. This means that you have paid our entire fee and we have provided the corresponding consideration. The group calls / events are based on your booked product and are fulfilled after the specified duration.
  2. The extraordinary right of termination of each party remains unaffected. In particular, we have an extraordinary right of termination if you have been in arrears with payments more than 2 times, if you have intentionally violated the provisions of these Terms and Conditions and/or have intentionally or negligently committed prohibited acts, or if our relationship of trust has been permanently disturbed.

3. Details of the range of services and cancellation policy

3.1 Duration of a counselling session and location of coaching or mentoring

  1. The coaching takes place either in a 1-1 format or in groups.
  2. The mentoring takes place in a 1-1 format.
  3. The coaching / mentoring ends after 8 weeks to 12 months, depending on the booking.
  4. Unless otherwise agreed between us, the coaching / mentoring will take place via Zoom.

3.2 Scope of services and unused services

  1. The scope of the product depends on the respective offers and mentoring programs.
  2. If a booked appointment is repeatedly cancelled by a participant, no further appointment has to be offered. This date then expires. The entitlement to payment for the appointment remains. Payment for the appointment will be withheld. There is no entitlement to a refund.
  3. Since the appointments take place online, there is the possibility to look up the recorded appointments, especially for group appointments. There is no entitlement to attend the event live. The dates will be communicated in good time so that the participants can reserve the time for them.
  4. If you cancel a booked coaching / mentoring, you are not entitled to a refund of your payments made.
  5. If participants do not use all the content offered by the programs, we reserve the right to charge the entire fee or to withhold amounts already paid.

3.3 Right of withdrawal for consumers

  1. As a consumer, you have a right of withdrawal in accordance with the instructions listed in the appendix.
  2. The revocation period begins with the conclusion of the contract. The contract is concluded at the moment you receive the confirmation e-mail of the purchase from us or our shop system.
  3. In the case of services such as coaching/mentoring/training, there are the following special features with regard to the right of withdrawal:

a) If you purchase the coaching, group coaching or mentoring and we are to start the service directly or within the 14-day withdrawal period, you waive the right of withdrawal to which you are entitled.

b) We point this out directly in our offer with the following passage:

“You expressly demand that we start with the service before the end of the 14-day withdrawal period. You are aware that you will lose your right of withdrawal if we provide the service in full. In the case of a pro rata service to you (as a customer) within the revocation period, we are entitled to the consideration (payment) for the service rendered – even in the event of a revocation.”

  1. In the case of digital content / products, there are the following special features with regard to the right of withdrawal:

a) If you purchase a digital product and receive the entire content immediately after payment, you waive your right of withdrawal.

b) We point this out directly before completing the order with the following passage:

“I hereby waive the right of withdrawal of 14 days to which I am entitled, so that I can directly access the digital content in full.”

  1. If the booking is cancelled within 14 days and the coaching/mentoring has already started during this time, you are only entitled to a pro-rata refund of your costs. Services already provided will then be deducted proportionately from the refund.
  2. If a participant behaves in breach of contract by violating these General Terms and Conditions, we have the right to exclude him or her from our offers, coaching, mentoring, trainings and seminars. This is particularly the case if the participant disrupts the course of the program, in particular makes negative comments towards us and other participants and does not refrain from doing so even after being requested. This is also the case if a participant repeatedly fails to keep to agreements made (e.g. appointments). In this case, no costs will be refunded.

3.4 Right of withdrawal in the B2B sector (entrepreneurs)

  1. As an entrepreneur, you do not have a statutory right of withdrawal. A contractual right of withdrawal is not granted.

4. Rights and obligations of the customer

4.1 Access to coaching / mentoring

  1. This is a personal and non-transferable access to coaching/mentoring/online course/digital products. Goods will not be shipped.
  2. You will receive the access data to your member area by e-mail. You are entitled to download the Digital Content on a maximum of 3 different devices.
  3. The login data sent in the course of registration (user name, password, etc.) must be kept secret by you and not made accessible to unauthorized third parties.
  4. Please ensure that you only access to and use your user data. If there are facts that give rise to the assumption that unauthorized third parties have gained knowledge of your access data, please inform us immediately so that we can block or change it.
  5. We may temporarily or permanently block your access if there are concrete indications that you are violating or have violated these Terms and/or applicable law or if we have another justified, substantial interest in blocking it. When deciding whether to suspend the ban, we will take appropriate account of your legitimate interests.
  6. An entitlement to access only exists after payment for the digital product has been made.
  7. If you have any questions about the use of the purchased services or if access does not work, you can contact our support (

4.2 Right of use to the digital content or the documents from the coaching / mentoring

  1. Audio/video and PDF files and other documents may be accessed (downloaded) and printed out by you only for your own use. The download and printing of files is only permitted within this framework. In this respect, you may also have the printing done with the technical support of third parties (e.g. a copy shop). In all other respects, we reserve all rights of use to the files and documents. This means that the samples and documents as well as the knowledge imparted may not be made available to third parties, neither free of charge nor subject to a fee. The documents are also not intended for consulting purposes.
  2. Therefore, in particular, the making of copies of files or printouts for third parties, the transfer or forwarding of files and documents to third parties or the other use for purposes other than one’s own studies, whether for a fee or free of charge, requires the express prior written consent of us during and after termination.
  3. The trademarks and logos listed on the documents are protected under the Trademark Act or copyright protection. You are obliged to use the documents and files accessible to you only within the scope expressly permitted here or permitted by virtue of mandatory statutory provisions, even without our consent, and not to promote unauthorized use by third parties. This also applies after termination, revocation or termination of participation.
  4. Forms of use that are permitted on the basis of mandatory legal provisions are of course excluded from this reservation of approval.

4.3 Collection, storage and processing of your personal data

  1. In order to make and process a booking, we need the following data from you:
  • First and last name
  • Address
  • E-mail-Address
  • Telephone number
  • Birthday
  • in the case of entrepreneurs, also company name and VAT ID No.
  1. The specific data that is absolutely necessary can be determined by the mandatory fields depending on the product.
  2. In the case of fee-based services, the information on the name, especially the company name, must be correct. The same applies to the address. The invoices are created on the basis of this information. If corrections are necessary here, this may lead to additional expenses, which we will charge in an appropriate amount.
  3. If you change your personal information, especially if you change your e-mail address, please let us know by e-mail to

4.4 Own provision of suitable IT infrastructure and software

  1. You are responsible for the provision and guarantee of Internet access (hardware, telecommunications connections, etc.) and the other technical facilities and software necessary for the use of our online services (in particular web browsers and PDF programs such as Acrobat Reader®, Zoom yourself and at your own expense and risk).

4.5 General information on coaching/mentoring/events through us

  1. Sowohl ein Coaching als auch Mentoring beruht auf Kooperation.
  2. Die Teilnahme an einem Coaching oder einem Mentoring setzt eigenverantwortliche Lernbereitschaft voraus. Für diese Prozesse versprechen wir keinen bestimmten Erfolg. Wir sind hierbei lediglich liebevolle Prozessbegleiter und geben Hilfestellungen, Muster und Anleitungen. Die Umsetzung und das Treffen von Entscheidungen obliegen alleine Ihnen.
  3. Sie sind für Ihre physische und psychische Gesundheit sowohl während der Sitzung als auch in der Phase zwischen den Terminen in vollem Umfang selbst verantwortlich. Sämtliche Maßnahmen, die Sie möglicherweise aufgrund des Coachings oder Mentorings durchführen, liegen in Ihrem eigenen Verantwortungs-bereich. Wenn bei Ihnen eine psychische Erkrankung vorliegt/ärztlich diagnostiziert wurde, dann fragen Sie bitte Ihren Arzt, ob ein Coaching oder ein Mentoring sinnvoll sein kann. Wir behalten uns vor, das Coaching oder das Mentoring in solchen Fällen abzubrechen.

4.6 Live Events

  1. The events take place in rented locations.
  2. Depending on the type of event, there is also a minimum or maximum number of participants.
  3. Participation is always at your own risk.
  4. We assume no liability for valuables brought along.
  5. You are obliged to cooperate in the event of service disruptions within the framework of the statutory provisions, to avoid or minimize any damage. In particular, we ask you to inform us immediately of any complaints. If you culpably fail to report a defect, you forfeit your right to a reduction in the participation fee.
  6. Events are never without a residual risk. You are only insured against an accident and rescue within the framework of your own accident insurance.
  7. The prices do not include travel expenses or expenses for food and accommodation.

4.7 Know-how protection and confidentiality

  1. You are aware that all information that you receive during our cooperation about the manner in which we provide services (ideas, concepts and operational experience (know-how) developed by us) and which is required to be kept secret by law or by its nature is subject to trade secret. For this reason, you undertake to maintain trade secrecy and to maintain confidentiality about the information provided.
  2. Within the framework of a written agreed reference, you are entitled to speak/write about the way in which you work with us.
  3. The obligation to secrecy will continue after the end of our cooperation.
  4. The following information is not affected by the secrecy, which
  • were already known before the confidentiality obligation,

  • that have been developed independently by us,

  • were or are publicly accessible when you received the information or subsequently became publicly accessible through no fault of your own.

  1. An appropriate contractual penalty is due for any breach of the duty of confidentiality.
  2. It is prohibited to make recordings of any kind of our live videos, group calls or other content. This content is only accessible to you within the respective program and may not be stored or used outside of it.

5. Confidentiality and liability regulations

5.1 Confidentiality of both parties

  1. We undertake to maintain confidentiality about all confidential information from you during the duration and also after the end of the coaching/mentoring.
  2. You are obliged to maintain confidentiality about all information that you become aware of in the course of the cooperation and to use it only with the prior written consent of us vis-à-vis third parties. This also applies to all documents that you receive from us as part of the coaching / mentoring or to which you have access.
  3. In group programs, the duty of confidentiality also applies to confidential information of the other participants that you learn about them as part of the program.
  4. We repeatedly share the successes of our customers anonymously publicly, so that no conclusions can be drawn about the person, unless we get explicit permission.
  5. Coaching, training and mentoring are a free, active process in which certain successes cannot be guaranteed in a given time. We are at our customers’ side as process facilitators and to support them in making decisions and changes. The actual change work is done by the customer himself. The customer should always be willing and open to deal with himself and situations and be able to make decisions on his own responsibility.

5.2 Liability for content

  1. In our programs, we show recommendations for action and, if necessary, give general recommendations for action. You alone are responsible for implementation and decision-making.
  2. The files and documents we issue are samples that you have to adapt to your needs. No liability is assumed for the completeness and up-to-dateness of these samples.
  3. We reserve the right to optimize and adapt the content at any time.

5.3 Limitation

  1. We are liable for intent and gross negligence. Furthermore, we are liable for the negligent breach of duties, the fulfilment of which makes the proper execution of the contract possible in the first place, the breach of which jeopardizes the achievement of the purpose of the contract and on whose compliance you may regularly rely. In the latter case, however, we are only liable for the foreseeable damage typical of the contract. We are not liable for the slightly negligent breach of obligations other than those mentioned in the preceding sentences. The above exclusions of liability do not apply in the event of injury to life, limb or health. Liability under the Product Liability Act remains unaffected.
  2. According to the current state of the art, data communication via the Internet cannot be guaranteed to be error-free and/or available at all times. In this respect, we are not liable for the constant and uninterrupted availability of the offer.
  3. All of the above limitations of liability also apply to our employees.

5.4 Force majeure

  1. Force majeure exists if there is an external event that has no operational connection and cannot be averted even by the utmost care that can reasonably be expected. Force majeure is to be assumed in the case of natural disasters (floods, earthquakes, storms, fires, political events (wars, civil wars), as well as other events such as epidemics, pandemics, epidemics, diseases and quarantine orders by authorities, countries and states. The lists are not exhaustive, even comparable events such as those mentioned under paragraph 1 fall under the concept of force majeure.
  2. The party that first learns of the event informs the other party in a timely manner.
  3. In the event of force majeure within the meaning of paragraph 1, the parties agree that the contractual services will initially be suspended for the duration of the obstruction. This means that the services of both parties will be suspended for the time being. Fees already paid in advance for consultations, events, courses, e-books, etc. will remain with Thomas P. Kusch for this time. If you still have to make payments, you still have to make the payments for services already provided. For services that have not yet been provided, you can pause payment for the period of suspension of the contract. After the end of the unforeseeable event, the contract will be resumed. Further possible damages are borne by each party for themselves.
  4. If the event lasts longer than 12 months, both parties are entitled to terminate the contract in text form with a notice period of 3 weeks to the end of the month. The services already provided by Thomas P. Kusch are to be paid by you. Fees paid in advance are to be reimbursed by Thomas P. Kusch. If you have made a payment that should secure you a guaranteed place in one of our events/courses, this fee will not be refunded, as the consideration for securing you a place was provided by us and applies regardless of whether the event/course takes place or not. The additional ticket fee, online course fee, etc. will of course be refunded to you. Even in the event of such termination, each party shall bear any further damages (e.g. hotel bookings, flight bookings, etc.) itself.
  5. In the event that the event lasts longer than 18 months, the contract will be terminated. A final account will then be prepared by Thomas P. Kusch. This statement lists the services provided by Thomas P. Kusch and the payments you have made. In the event that you still have to make payments for services already provided, these must be paid within 14 days of receipt of the final invoice. If there is a credit note in your favor, it will be paid to you within 14 days of the final statement being sent. The final invoice can be sent as a PDF attachment by e-mail. Further claims due to force majeure are excluded. Each party bears the damages incurred by it itself.

6. Final provisions and place of jurisdiction

6.1 Modification of these Terms and Conditions

  1. These T&Cs may be amended if there is an objective reason for the change. These can be, for example, changes in the law, adjustments to our offers, changes in case law or a change in economic circumstances. In the event of significant changes that affect you, we will inform you in good time about the planned changes. According to the information, you have a 14-day right of withdrawal. After the expiry of this period, these new regulations have become an effective part of the contract.

6.2 Final provisions

  1. The terms and conditions set forth herein are complete and conclusive. In order to avoid ambiguities or disputes between us about the agreed content of the contract, changes and additions to these terms and conditions should be made in writing – whereby e-mail (text form) is sufficient.
  2. Insofar as you as a consumer had your domicile or habitual abode in Germany at the time of conclusion of the contract and have either moved out of Germany at the time we file a lawsuit or your domicile or habitual abode is unknown at that time, the place of jurisdiction for all disputes is the registered office of Thomas P. Kuch in Bonn. For entrepreneurs, the place of jurisdiction for all disputes is the registered office of Thomas P. Kusch in Bonn.
  3. We would like to point out that, in addition to the ordinary legal process, you also have the option of an out-of-court settlement of disputes in accordance with Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013. Details can be found in Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013 and at the internet address: 
  4. We do not participate in the dispute resolution procedure.
  5. Should individual provisions of this contract be or become invalid, this shall not affect the remainder of the contract. The scope of services agreed in the regulation must then be adjusted to the extent legally permissible.

Version: 2.0
As of June 1st, 2024

Appendix 1: Consumer Information and Cancellation Policy

  1. The language available for the conclusion of the contract is exclusively German.
  2. The presentation of our services on the website does not constitute a binding offer on our part. Only the booking of a service by you is a binding offer according to §145 BGB. If you accept this offer, we will send you a booking confirmation by e-mail. This is the conclusion of the contract for the coaching/mentoring/course/e-book/event.
  3. The prices quoted by us are net prices plus taxes (for Germany).
  4. The data required for the execution of the contract between you and us will be stored by us and will be accessible to you at any time. In this respect, we refer to the regulation of the privacy policy on our website.
  5. As a consumer, you have the right to withdraw from the contract within fourteen days without giving reasons.

You do not have a right of revocation if you have expressly agreed at the time of your booking that we should start performing the service before the end of the revocation period and that this service has been provided in full. If we have partially performed the service, you are no longer entitled to a right of revocation in this respect.

In the case of digital content, you will lose your right of withdrawal if you have agreed to have immediate access to the entire content.

Start of the period when booking coaching/mentoring:

The withdrawal period is fourteen days from the day of conclusion of the contract. The conclusion of the contract is concluded on the day on which you have received a confirmation e-mail from us after successful booking.

To exercise your right of withdrawal, you must contact us at

Thomas P. Kusch
Simrockallee 2
53173 Bonn
Telephone: +49-228-915656-55

or to


inform you of your decision to withdraw from this contract by means of an unequivocal statement (e.g. a letter sent by post or e-mail).

You can use the attached sample revocation template for this, but it is not mandatory.

In order to comply with the withdrawal period, it is sufficient that you send the notification of the exercise of the right of withdrawal before the expiry of the withdrawal period.

Consequences of revocation:

If you withdraw from this contract, we must repay you all payments made that we have received from you no later than fourteen days from the day on which we receive the notification of your withdrawal from this contract.

For this refund, we will use the same means of payment that you used for the original transaction.

If you made the payment by bank transfer, please provide us with your account details, as we can only see part of your account details on the bank statement.

If you have agreed that we should start the service before the expiry of the 14-day withdrawal period, then you must also provide us with the consideration (fee) for these services and no claim to reimbursement in this respect.

Appendix 2: Sample revocation template

Sample withdrawal form in accordance with

Annex 2 to Article 246a § 1 (2) sentence 1 no. 1 and § 2 (2) no. 2 EGBGB

Thomas P. Kusch
Simrockallee 2
53173 Bonn
Telefon: +49-228-915656-55

I/we (*) hereby revoke the contract concluded by me/us (*) for the booking of the coaching program/e-book/event (description so that it can be clearly determined to which booking the cancellation relates)

  • Booked on: (*) . . . . ./ . . . . . . .
  • Confirmation email received on: (*)
  • Name of consumer(s)
  • Address of the consumer(s)
  • Account details for the refund
  • Signature of the consumer(s) (only if notified on paper)


(*) Delete what is inappropriate

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